This week came with a big milestone in our little family. Now, don’t laugh… My big boy, little chestnut #1 graduated from pre-K. Totally crazy for me. I mean, seriously? Where have the last 5.5 years gone that I am now staring down the barrel of the first day of “big school”. This momma was a bit of a mess. It did make me have a good hard look at life at the moment though and realize that I need to do a better job at finding balance.

I’ve been working hard full-time, finding time for my side hustle and being the best mummy I can be – oh and wife of course. But I’ve been letting “Me-time” slide a bit. The scales just never seemed to balance and I am forever running out of hours in a day.

Making time for change

So I’m hoping to get better at this and make time for me and keeping healthy. I started with a few good sessions at the gym and Chestnut #1 and I have also rediscovered our love for Zumba. Here’s hoping those extra pounds that seem to have joined me for the ride will fall to the way side and I can pick up my energy levels. Which in turn will of course get more creative juices flowing meaning more new Chestnut goodies for you all – WIN/WIN.



Finding balance. Printable inspirational quote from Charming Chestnuts

finding balance – Free inspirational quote

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It can definitely be a struggle trying to get the right split between work and play, exercise and relaxation, chores and games. The trick is to recognize the problem and not be afraid to make some changes and finding balance a place back in your life.

Do you relate? I mean, the struggle is definitely real. Would love to hear about it. Until next time…

Happy Monday people!

Natasha xox

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