I was feeling a bit nostalgic this week. I finally got to have a good long chat with a dear old friend of mine. And by old I simply mean, that this girl has been in my life since we both walked into the big and scary world of education at the ripe old age of 6.

She’s finally planning her wedding and has of course decided to become a “Chestnut-Bride”. Yay! I can’t wait to get stuck into her theme.

While talking she also shared some observations about my journey that I found so interesting and wanted to share:

Languages of the world

My journey has taken me from growing up bilingual (but mainly speaking German) in a small town in Germany to now living in America and finding less opportunity to speak German. Throw in the effects 12 years in Australia will have on your accent (hey, if you can’t beat them, join them) and my language-evolution so-to-speak (pun intended) has actually been quite interesting. It has grown along with me.

I can truly say that I am not the same girl who left Germany all those years ago. I have found myself. I have found my partner in life and I’ve also had to find out that not everyone can agree with that change. Finally, with Charming Chestnuts I have found my passion and my voice. Now that I’ve found it I’m going to keep going, keep growing.

And, as my friend pointed out, that voice no longer sounds like the insecure school girl from a small town in Germany. It sounds more like a woman who has lived and travelled in different corners of the world, growing into her own and is making her mark in her business – speaking primarily English….


Keep going, keep growing. Printable inspiration from Charming Chestnuts

keep going, keep growing – Free printable inspiration

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No matter where you are on your journey – personal or business – I hope you too take opportunities to grow. Keep going, keep growing. This doesn’t have to be fast or all at once – slow and steady wins the race. Let me know if I can help. Drop me a line in the comments below.

Happy Monday people!

Natasha xox

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