Moving is not fun!

Let’s be honest here. I have not lived what you would call a “normal” life over the past few years. Since I left my little hometown in rural Germany at the ripe old age of 19, I’ve moved more than I care to admit. And that includes 3 overseas moves…for each of which I’ve seemed to have acquired a person to my little traveling brood. See, I met the hubby in Australia and after an adventurous 7 years there we moved to the USA. This is when little Chestnut #1 was born in Raleigh before we moved back to Sydney where little Chestnut #2 was born. And now finally we’re back in the USA for now—phew…

I often get asked “OMG, how did you do that?”. And while I’ve had to more often than not leave worldly possessions behind in those moves (try packing up your and your family’s life into 5 suitcases and 3 moving boxes) there is one thing that has not left me and helped me more than I will ever be able to explain to get through some of the rougher patches.

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.

And yes, with the fear of becoming totally soppy and emotional, what I’m talking about here is friendship, a real – true friendship. One that started in 5th grade, when this funny girl came bouncing into my life and changed it for the better. And while physical distance has kept us apart for most of our “adult” life, we’ve always been there for one another. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. Thank you!

And this is where todays printable speaks from my heart to yours. Because if someone really means enough to you, then distance, no matter how big, even from Australia, across the globe to Germany and back to America again, will never change the impact that person can have on your life.

Printable inspirational quote "true friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart" from Charming Chestnuts

Free Printable Inspiration – True Friends

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What do you think? Am I just extremely lucky to have experienced a friendship like this? Am I even more lucky, because I’ve also found other great friendships in many different corners of the world? Connections with people who helped shape me into the person I am today, the person who has found the courage to start this blog and this business and now get’s to share her stories with you all? Do you have a similar connection with someone who you might like to share this printable with? Someone who has helped you follow your dreams and find what you’re meant to be doing with your life? Drop me a line below, I’d love to hear about it.

Happy Monday people!

Natasha xox

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