Hello new week – Hello new Printable inspiration from Charming Chestnuts.

Free printable inspirational quote "Know your worth" from Charming Chestnuts

OMG, I’m so excited! I finally got my manufacturer application approved for my ETSY shop and can now offer printing services for all of my designs! How cool is that?

What does this mean? Well now, not only can you count on Charming Chestnuts – aka ME – to do your design work and make sure your event (Wedding | Birthday | Christening | New Baby) stands out with impeccable style ( shameless plug, sorry, I know ;-), but you can also get me to handle the printing side of things for you. I’ve sourced this great company, that has not only awesome quality product, but also great customer service, and I’m so excited to be working with them for you and yours. So make sure to contact me, when your next event is on the horizon so we can make sure it’s awesome together (ooh-oh, shameless plug #2 in the same paragraph – little crazy over here today).

new printing services now available from Charming Chestnuts

On a more serious note, it also meant a really interesting change-of-pace and change-of-focus week for me. I was knee-deep in figuring out what to charge for all of these new services and printing options – crazy!
It made me take a good hard look at myself and what my professional services are worth – what I’m worth…phew….that’s a lot to handle on a Monday morning, right?

Professional and personal worth

Oftentimes I find it hard to accept that yes, people should pay money for my services. I’m good at what I do and take great pride in it. Some might say, all I do is press a few buttons here and there, move the mouse around, but that’s definitely not all there is to it. It’s enough to give a girl a complex. But seriously, there would be no such thing as a graphic designer if it were that easy, right? Putting a monetary value on services is still tough though. Because while on the surface it might not take all that long to actually do a certain task (i.e. send files to the printer), it still is time that I’m away from my kids, time that I’m not spending with my husband and also time that I’m not spending on other parts of my business. And all the 5 minute intervals sure do add up.

The problem of seeing and knowing your worth often also translates across to your personal life. Again, I speak from experience, where sometimes people just don’t get it. They don’t know how much you care, they don’t seem to want to put the effort back into your relationship, because they might not think you’re worth it. Well let me tell you this: YOU ARE WORTH IT! You deserve to be happy, and if people want to show you the door, rather than welcome you with open arms and enjoy what you can bring to their lives, then that is their loss. Know your worth and don’t accept any less, even – and especially in life’s currencies – love, respect and happiness.

Know your worth and enjoy your free printable! (Phew…made the curve back to a lighter note by the edge of my seat…)

Printable Inspiration – know your worth

|| This free printable has now expired, but you can purchase it here. And if you sign up for my newsletter, I’ll send you a 10% off coupon for your troubles. And every new freebie will be sent directly to your inbox. Check out the current free download in the latest blog post here. ||

Can you relate to this at all? Do you find it hard to place a value on your professional services? Do you feel unsure of your own worth or do other people not value you as much as you hope, professionally or personally? Let’s rock this thing out together and show them what they’re really missing out on. I’d love to hear about your experiences. Drop me a comment below.

Happy Monday people!

Natasha xox

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2 Responses

  1. Natasha, I love your honesty about confronting your worth and getting real about the value of you (and what you have to offer the world). I felt this way too – and it came out in crazy ways. I blog about it on my site, and used many of the lessons for my course, The Heart Unboxed: How to Love the Unloveable – so I feel it! It’s awesome that you got to this place! Keep on! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Alexis! That’s so kind. I definitely think it’s an important step to self confidence to know what you’re worth and to then not accept anything less.